I had a little blog break. I’ve been busying myself with my fictional project and turning my cat’s life into the life of an Instagram and Facebook superstar.
I also acquired Covid for the very first time which has left me isolating like a hermit but giving me the option of whether to wear a bra or not. I have immersed myself into countless hours of terrible television and hot sweats in the midst of this ridiculous heat wave…
…since when did this country do summer???

When the little red line came up on my covid test last week I wondered how I would spend my five days of isolation. The first two days I was more or less bed ridden anyway but when the cold sweats and the aches that made even my eyeballs ache disappeared; I did wonder how I would spend the rest of my time.
So, I cleaned the house. Then I packed my suitcase for my holiday in October, and now, seven days into isolation – because three covid tests later, it’s still in there playing footsie with my lungs – I have watched nearly three seasons of 90210 on Amazon Prime, one too many benefits documentaries on YouTube, far too many crime drama’s on ITV and BBC and today I pimped a notebook with fairies from a sticker collection my friend gave me for my fortieth birthday back in June.

Tonight I decided to eat my dinner in my back yard; the sun had more or less disappeared and even though there was no breeze I wasn’t about to break a sweat. So I sat on my garden furniture, put my feet up and popped my headphones on and listened to City and Colour while Winifred pottered about the yard around my feet chasing flies she couldn’t catch.
I’ve spent this last week on my own for about 99% of the time – don’t get me wrong Matt is in the house but he’s negative so we’re trying to keep it that way.
Believe it or not I haven’t done much thinking, until today. When I did the third test I phoned mum and I whinged and I whined and I complained and I kept saying…
“I’m fed up.”
“I’ve had enough.”
“This is ridiculous.”
“It’s like furlough all over again but without the redundancy.”
“I haven’t had a hug for a week!!!”
That was the biggest one for me. Not having a hug. Because I love a hug. A hug is comfort, it’s validation, it’s congratulation and it’s something that says…
…everything will be just fine.
Tonight, as I sat outside in my back yard, watching Winifred have a chat with the gnomes, I had an epiphany.

I acknowledge I have more than the potential to be a drama queen and today I fulfilled that potential. This morning my complaints were all about me. I’ve been stuck in the house, I couldn’t to go work, I’ve had to cancel on friends, I couldn’t co-facilitate the Bipolar support group, I haven’t seen my mum properly in days! All of that is valid and true and I do believe I have a right to be fed up…
…but only to a point.
In the midst of my whinging and whining I forgot Covid-19’s rap sheet and I forgot about the last two years. I forgot that people have lost their jobs and their livelihoods. People lost their homes…
…they lost their lives!
So I reminded myself how horrible 2020 was for the entire world; but this time I put myself in someone else’s shoes and told myself that I was lucky I lived with someone. I was lucky that I got to spend those seven months on furlough with my elderly cat because at the time I didn’t know those would be the final months that we would have together…
…if a cat could be a soulmate, I swear that Milly was mine.
I reminded myself that despite redundancy I came out better off with a better job than I thought I would ever have and despite my reluctance to turn forty I have, when I know of others my age who haven’t made it.
Most of all I looked at myself – well, I looked at my slippers – and I said…
“What exactly has Covid done to me?”
Apart from the isolation all I have to show from the actual illness itself is a croaky voice and a cough that only occurs when I talk – some might not necessarily think that’s a bad thing.
Whenever I get that negative result I know I’m walking away from Covid with nothing sinister. I still have my taste and smell – Mum had it back in October and she still can’t smell my bag when I empty it in her toilet. Now that is bad!
I may have a heavy chest right now but I’m not struggling to breathe. The cold I had lasted twenty-four hours, the skin on my fingers and eyeballs isn’t sensitive anymore and the aches are long gone. If Covid comes back to bite me then I’ll hold up my hands I’ll say it was worse than I thought but at this point I’m one of the lucky ones…
I haven’t had a hug for a week; but I know I’ll get one soon…